COGVIS - Code Clone Genealogy Visualisation

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This tool lets users visualize the evolution of code clones across several versions.There are two types of visualizations available, a circos style circular visualization and a generic scatter plot.

The plots are interactive and one can click on any genealogy to see how it has progressed over time and the type of changes that have happened.

Sample files for some exisiting projects are available.Just click on the links below and then click on the circular style or the scatter plot button to see the respective plots.Support for uploading own files will be available soon...

Data Filter Panel

Move the slider to choose the range of versions for which the genealogy plot needs to be generated. By default the genealogy plot for all available versions is shown below.

The checkbox can be selected to also view the clone genealogies that have dissapeared or have split and are no longer alive.

Circular Plot - Representation of Change Patterns in Clones

Scatter Plot - Representation of Change Patterns in Clones

Circular Plot - Representation of Clone Types (SPCP Miner Output)

The genealogy plot show below was created using the data generated by SPCP Miner for BRL-CAD an Open Source Solid Modeling CAD Tool(Language C)

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Data Filter Panel

Move the slider to choose the range of versions for which the genealogy plot needs to be generated.By default the genealogy plot for all available versions is shown below.